This study is recruiting males and females living with MS who have difficulties with balance or walking. Individuals who participate will take part in one of two different types of balance exercise intervention for six weeks, attending three exercise sessions every week. One exercise intervention resembles traditional balance training methods currently used by most rehabilitation professionals. The other intervention is a novel approach developed at McMaster. Both types of intervention may result in improvements in balance and walking. Researchers evaluate balance and walking before and immediately after completing six weeks of training, and then again three months after the last exercise session.
Interested in participating? Please contact Stephen Toepp (
This study has been reviewed by the Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board (REB #17723)
Primary Researcher: Stephen Toepp, PhD
Dr. Aimee Nelson
Office: IWC E208
Neurophysiology Lab Management: 289-260-6090
Ivor Wynne Centre
AB 131, AB 126
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1
Ivor Wynne Centre
AB 131, AB 126
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1